I’m NEW TO CHURCH, and I’m wondering...

  • Am I going to feel out of place?

    We hope not! Visiting a church for the first time can be awkward, uncomfortable, or even a little weird if you’ve never been in a church before. However, know that if you ever come in our doors, we want you to feel welcomed, loved, and cared for!

  • What should I wear?

    Come as you are! You'll find a wide range of dress at First Baptist Watauga, from t-shirts & shorts to dresses and sport coats.

  • I don’t know what happens at church... What am I getting myself into?

    Every Sunday, we come together to worship Jesus and study His Word. We open our services by reading the Bible and respond in song (sometimes with a full band, sometimes in a more laid-back setting). One of our pastors then teaches from the Bible verse-by-verse, to teach us about God and how the Bible applies to us. We wrap up our service with a chance for anyone to respond, where we have people ready to pray with you.

I’m A CHRISTIAN, and I’m wondering...

  • Are you guys serious about the Bible?

    We’re incredibly serious! Our desire and aim is for every part of our church life, whether it's small groups, congregational worship, or sermons, to be firmly grounded in the infalable Word of God.

  • Aren’t Baptists all about rules and regulations?

    We pray that we’re all about Jesus! As its been said by many, Christianity isn’t a religon, it’s a relationship with a very real and personal Savior. We don’t try to please God with a hope that He’ll accept us. Quite the opposite! We try to live lives pleasing to Him becasuse He saved us. Or as it says in 1 John 4:9, “We love because he first loved us.”

  • Do you sing hymns or contemporary songs?

    The simple answer to that question is both! At First Baptist Watauga, we care less about the age of the song or the style, and more about these things: that what we sing is rooted in God’s Word, that what we sing is singable for God’s people, and that what we sing is ultimately for God’s glory.

    We actually have a Spotify playlist with many of the songs and hymns we sing collectively as a church body. Feel free to check it out!

Some other great churches

Perhaps were not the church that you need to call home. That’s perfectly okay! Our heart’s desire is for you to be obedient to where the Lord is leading you. Let us know how we can pray for you as you search. And to help you as you look, here are just a few great churches here in our area.